P18 Careers Info, Advice + Guidance
Our students achieve positive destinations. We are proud of the fact that everyone has left us to go to a destination of their choice for over ten years. You will experience career support throughout your two years with us; you will be part of a journey getting you and your peers ready for your next steps Post-18.
Careers information is shared in the careers 'Google classroom' daily. Join it using the code here...
Our careers advisor
Meet Mrs Hooke – our career advisor
Mrs Hooke is a fully qualified careers advisor who sees students for one to one support sessions as needed, and organises careers events, trips and opportunities for students.
As a Finham Park sixth form student, your first port of call for careers support should be your mentor. If they are unable to help you please seek out Mrs Hooke.
To request careers support from Mrs Hooke please contact j.hooke@finhampark.co.uk
Parental engagement.
We endeavour to keep parents informed of all careers information they need to support their children throughout the two years of Sixth Form.
Please keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for more careers information.
Work shadowing
Long-term placements:
We encourage students to secure a regular long-term work experience placement. Each week you will have study periods at the same time slots; we encourage you to spend one afternoon a week doing work experience. This is the most valuable type of work experience you can obtain, because it will give you the opportunity to be within the staff body of an organisation on a regular basis. You will begin to understand the inner-workings of your chosen workplace.
Short-term placements:
We recommend every student attends at least one short-term work experience placement of at least one week. We have a work shadowing week in the summer term, but will authorise work experience placements at any time of the year.
To support finding a work experience placement, use our work experience contacts as a starting point...
Work experience skills conference:
Any student who does not secure a work experience placement during the work experience week will get the opportunity to take part in a work experience skills conference. See the schedule here...
Careers conference
Every summer we have a two day careers conference for every student in year 12.
Day one – careers education. Please see the schedule here...
Day two – personal statement/CV writing and a careers fayre.
Last year we had the following exhibitors:
- Waitrose
- Coventry city council
- CW Chamber
- The army
- Police Cadets
- Coventry college
- Deeleys construction
- Creative Access
- Siemens
- Severn Trent
- Holiday Inn
- Balfour Beaty
- Marks and Spencers
- Morrisons
- Belgrade Theatre apprenticeships
UCAS application support