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  • we value...


    Continuing not in the absence of fear but to triumph over it.

  • We Value...


    Doing the right thing when no-one is watching you do it.

  • We value...


    Thinking of yourself less... not thinking less of yourself

  • We value...


    Working hard to achieve... no matter how far you have to go

  • We value...


    Changing the world... with one act of random kindness every day

  • Student Wellbeing & Voice

    Meet our fabulous Student Wellbeing Officers

    Nubian College Masai College Barbary College KatangaCollege Asiatic College

    Ms V Spencer

    Student Leadership
    student champion

    Ms A Newman

    Restorative Justice
    student champion

    Mr J Downey

    Year 11
    student champion

    Ms M Watkins

    Y6-7 Transition
    student champion

    Ms L Jones

    student champion

    Contact us at

    Wellbeing is critical to cognitive development and social and emotional development. At Finham Park School, wellbeing is explicit within all areas of the curriculum and wellbeing practices are visible within the learning environment, enabling pupils to feel confident, express emotions, build good relationships, live productively, cope with stresses and adapt in times of change.

    Pupil wellbeing underpins practices across school, most importantly those relating to the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as Student Voice and Healthy Schools Agenda.

    Wellbeing is promoted through the Curriculum, Student Leadership through the ongoing development of the ‘Student Wellbeing Charter’ and through the Wellbeing officers. Wellbeing Officers located around school celebrate success and provide a source of support and advice to students. Specific assemblies address various aspects of pupil wellbeing.

    Meeting the pastoral needs of our pupils is crucial if they are going to access education. When pupils join Finham Park School all pupils are assigned a College Leader who oversees the academic and social aspects of school life and a Mentor who supports the pupils’ first thing in the morning, but is the first point of contact for students or parents should they have any worries or concerns.

    Our aim is to provide an inclusive, personalised environment with support surrounding it that encompasses the needs of all of our students ensuring their time here gives them the skills and confidence for the next steps of their journey, be that not only in going on to secure their first choice destination, but also in playing a positive role within their community.

    Wellbeing officers provide a point of contact for pupils and their families and will liaise closely with College Leaders and other professionals, where necessary. There is a strong team approach with both the College Leader and Wellbeing Officer working collectively to balance academic and pastoral needs.

    Our Wellbeing staff are co-ordinated by our team of College Leaders and whilst they support across year group they also work within the College system, to provide an array of services to the students at Finham Park School.

    Student wellbeing charter

    Report Abuse Anonymously here

    Report abuse directly here

    'you said, we did' - student voice (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    You said We did We ask students to...
    Could we have more areas under cover for when it rains? (Oct 2021) The school has invested heavily in providing an additional 5 canopies for students to shelter under when it rains and canteens are now open for students to eat inside when the weather is bad. Be considerate of all students sheltering under these areas at social times.
    Use these areas for sitting down and eating your lunch/talking not playing games (the Tennis Courts and fields are to be used in this instance).
    Be mindful not to drop litter and use the bins provided in these areas.
    What extra support is there available to help me catch up with any skills or content I may have missed as a result of COVID as I have exams this year and am worried about taking them? (Oct 2021) All departments have looked at their curriculum plans and made changes to address any content which has been missed. Curriculum maps are available for every subject on the website and in many cases in your exercise books so that you can easily see what you need to cover and where your learning journey is heading. We are using Google Classroom for home learning so that resources can be easily shared this makes homework a lot more impactful and will be especially powerful for exam classes where revision materials and recorded lessons will be shared in the run up to exams. For year 11 and 13, the government has now announced that exams will be modified so that there will be less content to revise. We have employed additional Teaching assistants to help in lessons and some students have received 1:1 tuition. Remember to revisit your learning regularly so that you can address any gaps in your learning.
    We want a safe and comfortable space to go to the toilet that is irrespective of our gender type. (Oct 2021) We will be maintaining gender specific toilets for students who prefer to use these so that we are fully inclusive for all students and their needs. These are located in A, D, H, K, and T blocks.

    To cater for an increasing number of our students who do not identify as binary gender types, all toilets that are all gender will have floor to ceiling doors and have sanitary provision in each cubicle. The wash basin areas will be communal in these bathrooms. They will also be labelled for specific year groups (ie Yr 7-8 or Yr 9-11). Of our twelve teaching blocks these will be located in blocks B, C, E and the Sixth Form (T) blocks. Some blocks will have both ‘all gender’ toilet and gendered toilet facilities. Through education, listening to student voice and reviewing our provision and we hope all students will feel comfortable and safe using these facilities so that no student feels they stand out using a particular toilet facility at Finham Park School.

    The main access to the communal areas in these toilets are open to allow supervision into the vicinity with CCTV (covering the entrance and communal washbasin areas only) where possible.
    To follow the school's expectations re: behaviour in and around the site including toilet areas.

    To report any activity that you observe that is making someone feel unsafe or uncomfortable to a teacher or associate member of staff.
    Are there easier ways we can report any uncomfortable social time behaviours? (May 2022) On the back of each cubicle door we have/will display a poster informing students of how/who they can contact to report such an incident anonymously.

    Through College Assemblies/mentor messages (to action) we remind all students how they can report it/who they can speak to.

    Students have engaged in a learning mentor presentation compiled and delivered by our Sixth Form Leadership team which touched on aspects linked to this and expectations of student behaviour at FPS.
    To follow the school's expectations re: behaviour in and around the site.

    To report any activity that you observe that is making someone feel unsafe or uncomfortable to a learning mentor, teacher or associate member of staff or to use the anonymous text number on.
    I want to know more about the student leadership team in the school and their roles. (May 2023) A new Student Leadership team has been appointed and their roles are now allocated. They will be conducting assemblies about how students can get involved and their work through the Student Leadership Framework, and how to get involved in the student council. We have introduced members of the team to different year groups so that you are aware which members are linked to your year.

    We have bought a number of student leadership noticeboards that will be located outside A block so that the team can let you know what they are doing, the impact it has had and how you can get involved.

    We have arranged for Student Leaders to Lead live college Assemblies describing the work of the student leadership team, and promoting the student council.
    Student Leaders support staff in duty areas in purple jackets.
    Get involved in leadership opportunities and join the student council to make a difference.

    Regularly look at the Student Leadership notice boards outside A block to keep up to date on the great work the Student Leadership team are doing and how you can get involved.

    Listen out in mentor messages for upcoming opportunities provided by the student Leadership Team.
    Engage and chat with Student Leaders if you need support.
    Where can I find out more about extra-curricular opportunities that are available at Finham Park School? (May 2023) We offer a range of clubs and opportunities outside of lessons and promote this. We have collated all the opportunities together in one place. This will be posted on the school website and updated termly.

    We have also asked staff to tell you about these opportunities and display them with details in department areas.

    We are also asking our Well-Being Officers to encourage some of you to attend the ones of most interest to you.
    Take part in these opportunities and let us know if there are any clubs or activities that we don’t offer that students would like to take part in. Regularly ask your teachers about opportunities that are coming up. Regularly look at noticeboards within departments so you can get the information you need on opportunities, days, times, locations, etc. Take part, try something new, have fun.
    We don’t like any litter around the site at break and lunch. (May 2023) We have asked the site team to empty bins between lunches if they are full so that they do not overflow and litter is blown out of them on a windy day especially. We will also use mentor time messages to inform/educate students of the need to keep the site litter free. Bins will be replaced with larger ones with heavier lids.

    We use students in detentions to pick up litter at the end of the day when the site is particularly bad in terms of litter.
    Student Leadership litter assembly and associated projects
    Not drop litter around the site – use the bins provided

    Pick up litter you see and place it in the nearest bin

    Tell reception the location of any bin that is full

    Tell others if they drop litter that it is unacceptable.
    How is the quality of our mentor time developed? (Feb 2024) The length of mentor time was increased in September 2022 and activities and lessons reviewed.

    The mentor time programme has been updated following student and parent voice and students had significant input into the activities taught during mentor time.
    Arrive on time to your mentor period and assembly in the correct uniform with the correct equipment.

    Engage positively with the mentor activities on a daily basis and get involved in discussion activities.

    Support younger members of your mentor group in the activities.
    We know that sexual harassment can happen in a social situation. Can you tell us what the school does to address it? (Feb 2024) On the back of each cubicle door we have/will display a poster informing students of how/who they can contact to report such an incident anonymously.

    Through noticeboards and posters/College Assemblies/mentor messages we reminded all students how they can report it/who they can speak to.

    Students have engaged in a learning mentor presentation complied and delivered by our Sixth Form Leadership team which touched on aspects linked to this and expectations of student behaviour at FPS.

    The RAP Foundation came into school to support and educate students through a series of presentations, work shops and staff training on Sexual Harassment in schools. 'Guardian Ballers' are doing this currently.
    To follow the school's expectations re: behaviour in and around the site.

    To report any activity that you observe that is making someone feel unsafe or uncomfortable to a learning mentor, teacher or associate member of staff or to use the anonymous text number on the back of toilet cubicles to report incidents
    What does Finham Park School do to provide me with information about my next steps? (Feb 2024)

    Y7 & 8 – Will be exposed to careers information during assemblies at specific times – (National Apprenticeship Week, Careers Week) Invited for reviews for SEND, PP & LAC students with their parents.

    Y8 & 9 – To be advised about GCSE options (and links to careers ) during assemblies, options evening, meetings with mentors, parents, etc. Invited for reviews for SEND, PP & LAC students with their parents.

    Y10 – Will learn about Post 16 options during Careers lessons in PSHRE – they may self-refer following these lessons, in the summer term for one-to-one advice. SEND and PP students will be seen as a priority.

    Y11 – All are seen for a one to one/group careers meeting (priority cohort to attempt to support their transition to Post 16 provision.

    Y12 & 13 – Those comments regarding careers meetings, appear to be from students who are external learners who have not received CEIAG? There are plenty of opportunities to consider and research their Post 18 options, UCAS applications, Personal Statements, etc, throughout this year and during the 2 days devoted to careers and future choices (July). Also, access to 6th form careers google classroom, daily bulletin, careers insights after school, various societies, assemblies and careers notice board in the study room, where they can find up to date and relevant information.

    Requests around interviewing, CV, job searches, etc, are covered in PSHRE lessons. Responses around study, homework, options should be referred to mentors.

    For Students who requested support The Y7-9 students have been emailed and should have received an updated information booklet, which should address all comments and queries.

    Year 10 students – They have also received information, again updated and advised about work experience, a little about Post 16 options and informed that I will be seeing them all in PSHRE lessons during the summer term.

    Y11 students – Careers advisor has emailed them separately with responses to their queries, 2 have not yet been seen, so have booked them in before their mock exams.

    Y12 and 13 students – individual responses have been sent. Those Y12 students who are new to school have been booked in, during Y11 mock exams week & been advised regarding the Careers Days being held in July.

    Students are encouraged to research widely using the resources available (Careers software, websites, etc.)

    At break time, students can drop into the office if they have any questions or wish to self-refer.

    Keep their appointments (cards are posted to mentors the previous day to their meeting) & notify CA if they cannot attend (assessments, tests, etc.)

    Students are requested to notify CA when they apply for Post 16/18 provision & when they receive offers (this is imperative as requested by the LA).

    Food menus

    Students and staff can eat from a variety of venues across the school site. There are two fully equipped kitchens that cook food, fresh each day.

    These are supplemented by a 'Tuck Inn' hut that serves 'grab and go' style food outside. The sixth form have their very own cafe called 'Cafe6' that serves a range of food.

    January menu

    Other sample menus

    Meal Deals

