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  • we value...


    Continuing not in the absence of fear but to triumph over it.

  • We Value...


    Doing the right thing when no-one is watching you do it.

  • We value...


    Thinking of yourself less... not thinking less of yourself

  • We value...


    Working hard to achieve... no matter how far you have to go

  • We value...


    Changing the world... with one act of random kindness every day

  • Parent Voice

    'Get involved, have your say and find out more'

    We regularly share proposals, answer questions and gather ideas from our parents and carers. Part of this is through our Parent Forum. The forum is held on a termly basis using MS Teams. Up to 100 people will be able to attend at any time and therefore, if interest is high we rotate attendance to the meetings. The meetings are recorded, with cameras and microphones mostly turned off.

    Parent forums typically last 45 minutes and start at 4pm. The purpose behind them is so that the school can gather views of parents on the operation of the school whether that be about the recent expansion of the use of Bring Your Own Device policy, or finding out more about how the school addresses issues such as sexual harassment and violence.

    Typical Agenda:

    1. Welcome and introductions
    2. School updates
    3. Parent items – as previously notified.

    If you would like to raise a question for consideration at the meeting, you can do so using the Google Form sign-up sheet that is emailed out to all parents in advance of the meeting. We will then email you the Teams meeting link to the email address you provide.

    The recorded meetings will be converted into YouTube video format and put on the website so all parents can watch the discussion at a later date if they were not able to join on the day.

    Another way we gather views of parents is through our own Ofsted style questionnaire using the link below. We gather more detail about the school than the Ofsted Parentview so that we can look at practical ways to improve our educational provision for all our young people.

    Example online parent forum meeting