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  • we value...


    Continuing not in the absence of fear but to triumph over it.

  • We Value...


    Doing the right thing when no-one is watching you do it.

  • We value...


    Thinking of yourself less... not thinking less of yourself

  • We value...


    Working hard to achieve... no matter how far you have to go

  • We value...


    Changing the world... with one act of random kindness every day

  • Performing Arts Faculty

    Curriculum intentions and Aims

    The Performing Arts Faculty’s mission is to engage students in a variety of activities aimed at firing their imaginations and getting them to find their creative outlet in life, both by studying the works of other greats (musicians, playwrights, directors), and by emulating them on a practical level. We believe in the power of performing arts as a means of self-discovery and self-expression for our students.

    The Performing Arts department at Finham Park currently comprises Drama, Media Arts, Music, Film Studies.

    The Faculty was formed with the vision of bringing together the collective creative expertise of these departments, sharing good practice in creative teaching pedagogy, and inspiring the use of cross-curricular creative skills amongst students in other areas of the school.

    Creative lessons teach through a combination of several key personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) which are much sought-after by employers. These include enquiry and investigation skills, creative thinking skills, teamwork, effective participation and self-management skills, and the ability to be reflective of one’s own learning and working practices.

    This focus on the creative process is at the heart of our faculty’s 21st Century approach to learning, and fundamental to the success of our students.

    Recent examples of cross-department collaborations include...

    • School Productions (Les Misérables, Bugsy Malone, MAT Showcase).
    • Physical Theatre workshops.
    • Radio FPS and CovCreative Film Festival.
    • Extra-curricular trips to Warwick Arts Centre, Stratford RSC, Birmingham and West End shows and international film festivals.


    Department Staff

    Head of Performing Arts Faculty Mr M Gunn
      Mr C Parsons
    Head of Drama Ms J Spokes
      Ms S Bartlett
    Head of Music Ms J Sharkey
      Mr M Murphy
      Ms R Atherton