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  • we value...


    Continuing not in the absence of fear but to triumph over it.

  • We Value...


    Doing the right thing when no-one is watching you do it.

  • We value...


    Thinking of yourself less... not thinking less of yourself

  • We value...


    Working hard to achieve... no matter how far you have to go

  • We value...


    Changing the world... with one act of random kindness every day

  • Governance & Finance


    • Chair: Anne Brennan

    Parent Governors

    • Vacancy
    • Toby McKechnie

    Staff Governors

    • Craig Thompson
    • Harjeet Rayat

    Co-Opted Governors

    • Dhiran Vagdia
    • Douglas Howat
    • Laura Ridley
    • Rebecca Mack
    • Peter Round

    Meetings attended - September 2023 to DATE

    Chris Bishop 3/3
    Jeremy Knowles 3/3
    Dhiran Vagdia 2/3
    Douglas Howat 3/3
    Laura Ridley 2/3
    Toby McKechnie 3/3
    Craig Thompson 2/3
    Harjeet Rayat 2/3
    Anne Brennan 2/3
    Rebecca Mack 2/3

    Meetings attended - September 2022 to July 2023

    Richard Carribine 5/6
    Jeremy Knowles 6/6
    Bridget Williams 5/6
    Chris Bishop 6/6
    Matt Potts 2/6
    Dhiran Vagdia 5/6
    Matt Amos 6/6
    Douglas Howat 6/6
    Laura Ridley 4/6
    Mandy Gilmore 4/6

    Governors roles, responsibilities and interests

    Name Status Appointed Date of Resignation Responsibility/Committee Area Interest (Pecuniary, Business, Governance Roles)
    Ms Anne Brennan Chair of Governors 24/01/2024       Chair of Caludon Castle LGB, Coventry
    Ms Laura Ridley Vice Chair of Governors


    (Acting Chair from 01/09/2023 - 24/01/2024)

      Safeguarding and Pupil Premium (& SEND) Education / Teaching Deputy Headteacher - Tudor Grange Academy, Kingshurst
    Mr Matthew Amos Staff Governor 26/09/2016 06/11/2023 Staff Governor Education / Teaching / PE & School Sport / Competition None
    Mr Richard Carribine Staff Governor 24/09/2019 30/06/2023 Staff Governor Education  
    Mr Dhiran Vagdia Co-opted Governor 18/03/2015   Health and Safety, Site Development (& SEND) Business / Resources / Architect Director Vagdia
    Holmes Ltd (100%).
    Director 1280 Ltd (50%).
    Charity Director of Carers Trust Heart of England (0%).
    Trustee of Emmaus Coventry and Warwickshire (0%).
    Trustee of Coventry Sea Cadets.
    Coventry Three Spires Round Table.
    Governor of St Anne's Primary School.
    Mr Douglas Howat Co-opted Governor 23/02/2016   Careers provision, Post-16 (& SEND) Higher Education Trustee for Grapevine.
    Coventry University employee.
    UHCW NHS Trust - Associate Non-executive director
    Mr Chris Bishop Headteacher 15/10/2017   Headteacher Governor Finham Park School Governor at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.
    Board Member of Romero MAC, Coventry
    Ms Jenny Mclean Chair of Governors 01/05/2019 31/12/2022   Primary Education None
    Ms Mandy Gilmore Chair of Governors 01/01/2023 31/08/2023      
    Mr Jeremy Knowles Parent Governor 01/11/2021 13/03/2024   Corporate Finance  
    Ms Bridget Williams Parent Governor 29/09/2021 11/09/2023   Higher Education / Training  
    Mr Matt Potts Parent Governor 29/09/2021 25/01/2023   Primary Education Vice-chair of LGB at Manor Park School
    Ms Rebecca Mack Co-opted Governor 24/01/2024   Personal Development, Behaviour & Attitudes (& SEND)    
    Mr Peter Round Co-opted Governor 24/01/2024   Quality of Education and SEND    
    Mr Toby McKechnie Parent Governor 05/07/2023   Curriculum (& SEND)   OCR Examination Board employee
    Mr Craig Thompson Associate Staff governor 06/11/2023        
    Ms Harjeet Rayat Teacher Governor 06/11/2023   Pupil, Staff and Parent Voice (& SEND)    

    Financial Statements - link below: